From D.C. to Beijing

Monday, May 01, 2006


It seems a little early to talk about waiting but I feel like N and I have already waited forever. We waited to feel what was best to do. We waited for N to turn 30. We waited for the money. And now we wait for the agency to send us the dossier information and for the interviews with the agency to start. I guess N and I feel like we need to get our DTC so we can stop feeling like we are in a hurry. LOL I know those of you who know me well are rolling on the floor laughing because patience is not a virtue that I was born with. And to be honest I never anticipate being a patient person at least not in this life. We have started filling out the mass amount of paper work. I hope we will be able to meet with the social worker before we leave for SF. I also want to get as much done in that whole week N and I have before school starts back again for summer.


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