almost 7 months as a family!
I really did want to post a 6 months report but life got in the way! All I can say is we truly all belong to our little family now. I feel more confident as her mother and my sweet N is doing a great job as the baba. Chicklepea is so much more settled. She loves to give hugs and kisses. She is trying to talk more and more all of the time. I cannot believe she is the same person we met almost 7 months ago! She is so happy and funny. She has such a sweet and tender side too. It is starting to come out more and more as her grief and anger subside.
I love her more than words. I love her more because she was so hard. It took work on both chicklepea and my part to love each other. I would do anything for her. She is mine and I am her mother!
Honestly she makes me so happy. There are still times when I have a hard time but we are all adjusting well.
We have speech appointments and early intervention coming soon to help get her speech on track.
All I can say is I am so glad that N supported me in Hohhot and did not let me give up in fear. I am not sorry that chicklepea is hard or the attachment work we have had to do. It has solidified my attachment to her. We are not a family born from blood but we are a family born from fire. I now understand the phrase "the refiners fire" Without the trial and struggle we have all been trough i am not sure our bonds now would be as strong as they are. I am so grateful to my baby every single day. She helps me see the world in a new light. She makes me laugh and cry and I really would have it no other way
Now if we could just get this family bed thing straightened out!
I love her more than words. I love her more because she was so hard. It took work on both chicklepea and my part to love each other. I would do anything for her. She is mine and I am her mother!
Honestly she makes me so happy. There are still times when I have a hard time but we are all adjusting well.
We have speech appointments and early intervention coming soon to help get her speech on track.
All I can say is I am so glad that N supported me in Hohhot and did not let me give up in fear. I am not sorry that chicklepea is hard or the attachment work we have had to do. It has solidified my attachment to her. We are not a family born from blood but we are a family born from fire. I now understand the phrase "the refiners fire" Without the trial and struggle we have all been trough i am not sure our bonds now would be as strong as they are. I am so grateful to my baby every single day. She helps me see the world in a new light. She makes me laugh and cry and I really would have it no other way
Now if we could just get this family bed thing straightened out!
Congrats! We are a little over a year out, and I have to say it has gotten easier and easier (our daughter was 2 on adoption day). The speech therapy will help with the tantrums a lot (at least it has for us!)
Krista, at 6:25 AM
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