From D.C. to Beijing

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Co Sleeping !@!@@@!

Ok to be honest I should just lie and say that of course my baby sleeps in her crib just like most children. But she doesn't. she hasn't for going on 2 weeks now. As we speak she is again napping in my bed. She hates the crib with a passion now. She screams like her body is on fire when we put her in it.

I really do not like sleeping with her. I mean if she cuddled or was snugly I might but she is active and possessive. She will grab hold of my clothing or my hair in her sleep and if I move she wakes up screaming. I know this is a set back from the surgery but come on!! For the love of sleep I need to get a full night of sleep.

The only plus to this co sleeping thing is she seems to be better behaved and more attached in the day time. I mean we went to the mall alone and she was the best I have ever seen her. She even let me hold up the dresses to her back to see if they would fit!!

The down side of course is the lack of sleep and the fact that I really really miss N! We are not even going to try to get her back in the crib until the no no comes off in about a week.

Another thing that bothers me about it is I would have understood her need when we got her in China but it is almost 6 months later. I guess I thought she would never need it.


  • Let me just say, I am for co-sleeping if you can but if neither of you get sleep find another arrangement. That being said, I brought Glenys home at 15 months of age. She had been in foster care for most of that time and co-slept with the foster fam or foster mom. She hated the crib and slept not very well in a toddler bed. She has only gotten out of her own bed three times and she is now almost 3 1/2. I started making her sleep in her own bed a couple of months ago and at first it was hard on us both. Now she still asks and I let her (much to my detriment) once a week. Of course I am single so it is much easier to do so, I still lose sleep. I would encourage it for attachment that and bathing or taking a shower together. We did and still do that. At first I held her in the shower now she can stand on her own. It is convenient and still helps with attachment. Just a thought. Do what you need to do to foster the attachment process and tell naysayers to leave you alone.


    By Blogger RamblingMother, at 7:30 AM  

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