Birthday, doctors and tantrums

Well Eva is 2 and I swear it is like a flip got switched and she has terrible tantrums!
N and I had been attempting to deal with them but we learned very fast it is best to let her have her tantrum and not pay any attention to it and it goes away fast.
She still has trouble with water!
She is 2. My baby is 2!
She saw her surgeon on her birthday and we have her surgery scheduled for July 25Th.
She saw her other doctor on May 3rd and got her first round of shots. It was horrible. she ran a high fever for 48 hours. She didn't sleep well for 5 nights.
We are excited for her to have her surgery but terrified. she will have to wear arm splints for a few weeks. I am so worried because she is a thumb sucker.
Next week she sees the ENT to have her ears looked at and a hearing test. The surgeon wants to make sure she doesn't need tubes in her ears.
Other than the tantrums she is such a peach! I cannot believe we have been together for 3 months(MAY 4Th). It seems she has always been with us. She fits our family so well!
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