Little girl clothes!!!!

Ok I have to confess that I have bought many many many clothes for our sweet little Evie! I swear I cannot help myself!!
I am so in love with Baby Lulu and Baby Gap and Gymboree!!!!
Oh my word they make the most adorable baby clothes ever!!
I told N I am going to start posting all of the cutie clothes on the blog and he looked at me like I had 3 heads LOL!!
I have been getting most of them at yard sales and well I score the most delicious Baby Lulu dress from Ebay!!
I have bought mostly 2T with a few 18 months sizes. Because we could travel any time from January to March and well the last update we have she was 1.5 months and weighted 7.7lbs and was 20.1 inches we have no idea what size she will wear!
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