From D.C. to Beijing

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Day 80 still waiting for our TA!! And how did we get here?!?!

Ok this is no longer funny. We are not amused! And by we I mean me and possibly N and maybe some of our family or maybe not. I have no idea why it is that we are still waiting. I was so sure we would have her home by now and this is just getting sad.

Very very soon N and I will be crazy! Neither of us knows what to do about school. Should I take both of the classes I have left or just the 1 I am signed up for? Should N take the semester off knowing this may keep him from graduating from his current school?

We have no idea and this whole life on hold business is not funny anymore. I really mean it!

(Please do not in anyway express to N or I that we should not put our lives on hold. We have to. We cannot take a vacation or plan for classes because we KNOW she will be here soon. The problem arises when soon can be next month or May.)


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