I cannot believe it has already been ten months! It seems like just yesterday that N and I were in Hohhot. We were in that hot hotel room and they brought this terrified little girl into the room and I did not recognize her from her picture. Now granted her picture was 20 months old but it scared me that I did not think this was the right baby.
I cannot believe how far
Chicklepea has come in the last 10 months!
- She can now go entire days with NO tantrums
- She is now 35 inches tall and 25 lbs.
- In the last week I have gotten 4 --2 word sentences. "Mo ookie" and "Mo milk"
- She is such a little spitfire!
- She has a quick temper which she will unleash on anyone close by
- The only pants that fit her skinny long torso body are gymboree 2T leggings
- She is now getting a little better about feeding herself
- No good news on the potty front yet
- The last 2 mornings she has rolled over and been very cuddly
- She is honestly getting to be the prettiest child to ever live!
- We cannot imagine our lives with out her in them!
Now the bad news is I might have to take one of my classes over in the spring and hope that
chicklepea will start to play on her own a little more!!!
We are excited to spend our first Christmas as a family of 3.