From D.C. to Beijing

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Long time no post

Sorry we have been very busy with the end of the semester fast approaching. N is doing well and I am working very hard at failing Stat so that I can retake it again in the spring. I am disappointed but it has been much harder than I expected.

Chicklepea is doing well. She had a great time visiting her grandparents and her cousins. Poor at P wanted to put her out of the car on the way back and I did too! She was horrible and I am still not sure what it was about.

Her next school evaluation is January 3rd. Yup that's right. I first contacted them in September. This is crazy! She really needs more help and I am doing everything in my power but its not enough.

I do think I got a "more cookie" out of her tonight. The surgeon said her mouth looks good so I am not sure why her language is still so delayed. She interacts with kids 2 days a week and has speech once a week but we have seen almost no improvement.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Cranky Baby

Cranky Baby
Originally uploaded by ntpruett
This was at the end of Boo at the Zoo and chicklepea had enough of the crowds!